The International Assignment Policy…but why should you have one?

A well-designed International Assignment policy is central to the success of any international assignment programme. It is important to have a structured guide which outlines the policy for managing all of your international assignees.

It should address any queries you or the assignee and their family may have and should cover all aspects of assignment preparation, ongoing administration and repatriation.

Benefits of implementing a comprehensive International Assignment Policy:

  1. It acts as a common standard to work to, so all assignees are treated equally and according to best practices.
  2. It can cover all types of assignments from short through to long-term, with all the varying guidelines.
  3. It helps everyone understand what is expected of them.
  4. It acts as a point of reference for avoiding confusion as well as answering many queries.
  5. It helps ensure the success of the international assignment programme overall by laying out clear guidelines for everyone concerned.

As a specialist provider of international assignment solutions, IPM has vast experience in drafting and implementing comprehensive and robust international assignment policies for all circumstances.

We provide expert assistance in:

  • Policy design and development
  • Identification and analysis of best practices
  • Customized policy benchmarking
  • Policy transition and implementation

For further information, you can reach us at [email protected]
