Our Values

IPM is the unique partner of choice for companies wanting to develop, manage, and support their established mobility programmes and for those entities with mobility aspirations that are making their first foray into the global workplace. We achieve this by offering tailored services delivered through our teams’ extensive knowledge of, and expertise within the industry.

Being transparent, open & honest

We maintain the highest ethical standards and transparency in our work and in our dealings with our colleagues, clients, partners, and other stakeholders. We will deliver on what we say and will always be fair and truthful.

Working together in partnership

We trust and support each other and work as one high performing team with our colleagues; our clients and their employees; our partners and stakeholders, alike.

Being professional

We will measure our results against KPI’s and will never be satisfied with anything less than the highest standard of service. We offer value and flexibility and strive to meet the future needs of our clients, partners, and stakeholders. We also meet the ongoing development needs of our colleagues in an ever-changing global industry.

Recognising & respecting others

We recognise and respect the needs and views of our colleagues, clients and their employees, suppliers and stakeholders alike.

Listening & understanding

This means that we foster a culture of listening & understanding that underpins our core values.
