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Global Compliance Regulations UK

When transferring employees overseas in international assignments, or even when employing staff abroad, it’s critical to have a solid grasp of global pay procedures. In addition to income, various employee benefits should be precisely considered i.e. additional leave allowance or local national holidays.

The phrase global compensation refers to any type of pay provided to employees working in another country. It includes their income or earnings, as well as any additional benefits provided by the employer

Examples of benefits could include anything from company paid accommodation and a company car, to healthcare or language lessons. Basically, anything that would have a monetary value that’s being offered to an employee as an incentive or compensation for work.

During the course of the assignment, IPM will ensure your organisation and assignees are compliant with home and host country tax and social security, as well as immigration. We will also identify tax concessions and agreements to reduce costs but remain compliant where these exist.

Our Compliance services also include:

  • Planning, Consultancy & Advisory
  • Risk Analysis & Mitigation
  • Compliance Audits
  • Tax & Social Security Planning
  • Policy Development
  • Monitoring of Critical Dates & Reporting
  • Full adherence to GDPR

I need help with my Compliance requirements


What are the host countries pay practices?


What is the duration an employee is to be located in the host country, as this may affect the tax and social security position?
