Livingstone Tanzania Trust

At IPM, we are a human-driven business. We care about people, their happiness and their welfare when it comes to Global Mobility decisions.

We wanted to project this value further. In 2022, we partnered with Relocate the Profit initiative. This is a fantastic charitable cause that sings to our hearts as a business.

By partnering with this fantastic group we have committed to donating £5 for every invoice raised by IPM to the Livingstone Tanzania Trust. This charity works in partnership with communities in Tanzania to allow young people better access to educational opportunities.

From April last year, IPM assisted in sending 80 girls to boarding school. These girls have been provided beds in dormitories to stay and study longer without enduring regular, hazardous journeys.

Additionally, 3 classrooms in one school were renovated, and 4 new classrooms were built. The teachers and religious leaders within the school were trained on sanitation, hygiene and menstrual health – resulting in radical attitude changes. This has created a safer environment for the children due to adaptions in behaviour and attitude changes within the school staff.

The future goal is to offer children the opportunity to reach their full educational potential by providing safer and cleaner access to schools. We are incredibly excited to see what our donations through 2023 will help to achieve and of course, we will keep you updated as to the progress.

To receive updates on the progress of our charitable endeavours, as well as further information on Global Mobility compliance and corporate relocations, please sign up for our mailing list here:
