IPM Global: Your Dedicated Partner in Compliance

As we welcome 2024, the intricacies of compliance take centre stage, demanding strategic navigation and attention. At IPM Global, we embark on this journey with you, not just as a service provider but as your dedicated partner in ensuring compliance throughout all of your global mobility ventures.

Visa Requirements: Ensuring Legal Entry

For employees crossing borders, securing proper visas is non-negotiable, especially in the evolving landscape shaped by Brexit changes. Understanding the nuances of short-term and long-term visas is pivotal for international assignments, and the recent adjustments due to Brexit adds another layer of complexity.

Brexit changes in 2024 bring about notable modifications, including restrictions on social care workers bringing dependents on their visa and an increase in the baseline minimum salary for a Skilled Worker Visa from £26,200 to £38,700. These alterations, effective in April 2024, will also impact the shortage occupation list, limiting the number of jobs eligible for sponsorship below the baseline minimum salary. Moreover, changes to the spouse/partner visa minimum income, set to rise to £29,000 in spring 2024 and eventually around £38,700 in early 2025, emphasise the need for meticulous planning to meet the updated criteria.

These changes introduce new challenges for global mobility, particularly by imposing restrictions and increased financial thresholds. The limitations on social care workers bringing dependents may disrupt family dynamics, affecting the overall well-being of relocated employees. The elevated salary requirements for Skilled Worker Visas could potentially limit the accessibility of the talent pool for certain roles. The escalating financial criteria for spouse/partner visas will more than likely pose financial strain on employees and their families. These factors collectively contribute to a more complex and potentially restrictive environment for international assignments, necessitating strategic adaptation and comprehensive support for globally mobile individuals, and underscoring the importance of staying informed on ever-evolving legislation.

Labour Laws and Global Mobility

Furthermore, European countries often have strict labour laws governing working hours, leave entitlements, and termination procedures. They adhere to strict limits on working hours per week (all documented within the EU legislation on the organisation of working time), ensuring a balance between professional commitments and employee well-being. 

The generous leave entitlements guarantee adequate time for rest and relaxation, contributing to a healthier work-life balance. However, these well-intentioned regulations also introduce complexities for global mobility. When relocating employees across borders, ensuring compliance with diverse labour laws becomes imperative. For instance, a transfer of an employee from the United States, where labour laws might differ significantly, to a European country requires meticulous attention to the local regulations governing working hours, leave policies, and termination procedures. Proper classification of employees, understanding their entitlements, and aligning the relocation process with the host country’s legal framework are critical considerations. Failure to navigate these intricacies accurately can result in legal non-compliance, potential disputes, and challenges in adapting to the host country’s work culture.

Cultural Diversity and Discrimination Laws

Navigating cultural diversity and discrimination laws is integral when managing a global workforce. Some countries have comprehensive anti-discrimination laws, such as the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) regulations, which prohibit discrimination based on various factors like race, gender, and religion. Understanding and adhering to these laws are crucial for the hiring and management of a diverse global workforce. However, in the absence of such specific legislation, promoting a culture of inclusivity and diversity still remains a best practice. In such environments, companies themselves need to ensure fair employment practices, implement inclusive policies, and provide diversity training.

It is also essential to extend this consideration beyond the workplace. Companies must remember to look after the accompanying partner and children, recognising that if they do not settle well, the assignment may face challenges, resulting in significant costs to the company and potential psychological strain on the entire family. This holistic approach reinforces the importance of comprehensive support structures for globally mobile individuals and their families, contributing to the overall success of international assignments.


In this journey through 2024, as organisations grapple with the complexities of global mobility compliance, IPM Global stands as a partner, not just a service provider. Beyond providing solutions, we offer insights, guidance, and strategic support to empower organisations to navigate this intricate landscape successfully. Join us in exploring the depths of compliance excellence, where knowledge, awareness, and strategic planning become the compass guiding organisations through the challenges and opportunities of global mobility compliance.

Contact us today if you are interested in our unparalleled expertise, and a personalised hand-held approach to everything compliance-related.
